Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation

Episode 47: Interview with Trent McCall of the Truxton Turkey and Trout Event

We could not accomplish our mission of bringing Honor, Connection, and Healing to America’s combat-wounded Purple Heart Recipients without having such an incredible group of patriotic supporters throughout North America. The generosity and selfless efforts these individuals, communities, and businesses offer in support of WWIA and our Heroes is simply remarkable. Our special guest today on the WWIA Podcast is a shining example of one of the many supporters and friends that we are honored to have as part of our WWIA family. On this latest episode, WWIA Founder and CEO, John McDaniel, proudly welcomes Mr. Trent McCall. Trent is the Co-Host of the Truxton Turkey and Trout Event in Truxton, NY, in collaboration with Co-Hosts Ed and Laurie Poole, and guides Zeb Leach and Josh Streichert.

Their event recently celebrated its 3rd year of honoring and serving Purple Heart Heroes in the historic Finger Lakes region. Trent is a husband to his beautiful wife, Jennifer, and a proud father to his beautiful daughter, Gabrielle. His vocation is a woodworker and manager at One Source Millwork, and he is also the owner of4-LeafCustom Calls, a hobby and side business that he started in 1995, going on 30 years this coming spring. These beautiful turkey calls are designed, hand-crafted and field tested by Trent, and are all made from premium hardwoods. We’re excited to share this wonderful episode with you, so without further ado, let’s join John and Trent now.


  • The WWIA podcast aims to bring honor, connection, and healing to combat-wounded veterans.
  • Trent McCall, the guest, shares his journey of supporting Purple Heart heroes through hunting events.
  • The importance of community support and teamwork in organizing events for veterans was highlighted.
  • Trent emphasizes the emotional impact of providing healing experiences to combat veterans.
  • The conversation explores how woodworking and crafting turkey calls became a passion for Trent.
  • Trent’s experiences reflect the transformative power of nature in helping veterans heal.

4 Leaf Game Calls: https://www.facebook.com/4LeafCalls/


Hello and welcome to the WWIA podcast.


We're honored to have you join us in our mission to bring honor, connection, and healing to America's combat wounded Purple Heart heroes.


If this is your first time listening to this podcast, we welcome you.


If you're a returning listener, thanks for coming back.


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We could not accomplish our mission of bringing honor, connection and healing to America's combat wounded Purple Heart heroes without having such an incredible group of patriotic supporters throughout North America.


The generosity and selfless efforts these individuals, communities and businesses offer in support of WWIA and our heroes is simply remarkable.


Our special guest today on the WWIA podcast is a shining example of one of the many supporters and friends that we're honored to have as part of our WWIA family.


On this latest episode, WWIA founder and CEO John McDaniel proudly welcomes Mister Trent McCall.


Trent is the co host of the Truxton Turkey and Trout event in Truxton, New York in collaboration with co hosts Ed and Lori Poole and guides Zeb Leach and Josh Stryker.


Their event recently celebrated its third year of honoring and serving purple heart heroes in the historic Finger Lakes region.


Trent is a husband to his beautiful wife, Jennifer, and a proud father to his beautiful daughter, Gabrielle.


His vocation is a woodworker and manager at one source, millwork and hes also the owner of four Leaf custom calls, a hobby inside business that he started in 1995.


Going on 30 years this coming spring.


These beautiful turkey calls are designed, handcrafted and field tested by Trent himself and are all made from premium hardwoods.


We're excited to share this wonderful episode with you.


So without further ado, let's join John and Trent now.

John McDaniel

Hi, I'm John McDaniel, founder and CEO of the Wounded warriors in Action foundation.

John McDaniel

And this is our podcast, Honor Connect heal.

John McDaniel

So today I've got a very special guest.

John McDaniel

Everyone's a special guest or you wouldn't be here.

John McDaniel

That's the way I think about it.

John McDaniel

Anyway, this is a gentleman that I've met for the first time here today by video and voice.

John McDaniel

He's been helping the foundation out for three, four years now and hails from Truckston, New York.

John McDaniel

Welcome to the program.

Trent McCall

Trent McCall, thanks for having us aboard.

John McDaniel

Yep, absolutely.

Trent McCall

Nice to meet you.

John McDaniel

Nice to meet you too.

John McDaniel

You got a nice smile.

John McDaniel

And you know, I was telling you when the pre show, as we were chatting, I said, you know, I promised and a long time ago that I'd, you know, I'd be on every or I didn't promise, but I was on every single new event.

John McDaniel

And that happened for, you know, probably the first ten years or so.

John McDaniel

And then things started getting a little crazy and busy and whatnot, and we were growing and, and then I said five years, every five years, and I mean, give me a chance to, you know, to meet these great Americans helping our combat wounded.

John McDaniel

And that slipped to ten years.

John McDaniel

And so, anyway, I'm honored to have you on the program.

John McDaniel

You know, thanks for all you do.

John McDaniel

You know, you are up in, is it Truxton, New York?

John McDaniel

Am I saying that right?

Trent McCall


Trent McCall


Trent McCall

That's correct.

Trent McCall

We're about 40 minutes south of Syracuse.

Trent McCall

People know, seem to know about where that is.

Trent McCall

That's, that's the close thing.

Trent McCall

And we're a long ways from the city.

Trent McCall

That's what we.

Trent McCall

Anywhere I go.

Trent McCall

You're from New York?

Trent McCall

Yes, I'm from New York.

Trent McCall

The state, not the city.

John McDaniel

I was just in New York City, you know, briefly, and then Long island.

John McDaniel

And, you know, I, and I've been upstate.

John McDaniel

You know, that's the other thing is, this is funny.

John McDaniel

In my mind, upstate New York meant you were way, way up there.

John McDaniel

But I think what people mean is when they say, and you can correct me, but when they say upstate, they're just saying anything north of New York City.

John McDaniel

Is that true?

Trent McCall

Any where you start to have lawns there you go.

Trent McCall

Anywhere you got grass.

John McDaniel

When you have grass, you're upstate.

John McDaniel

I love it.

Trent McCall


John McDaniel

It's a great definition.

Trent McCall

It's a, it's a great place to visit.

Trent McCall

It's a, it's a neat place.

Trent McCall

There's the best and the worst.

Trent McCall

Everything there.

Trent McCall

But, but there, there's a whole lot more state than just that.

John McDaniel

Oh, for sure.

John McDaniel

Now would you consider yourself where you are?

John McDaniel

Is that rural?

John McDaniel

Would you say that?

John McDaniel

Or is that not fair?

Trent McCall


Trent McCall


Trent McCall

We're rural.

Trent McCall

It's a farming community.

Trent McCall

It was built up of a lot of small farms that are now becoming gobbled up by large farms.

Trent McCall

So what was ten farms is not one.

John McDaniel

Yeah, thats happening a lot in this country.

John McDaniel

Its happening in Wisconsin, too.

John McDaniel

And if theyre not gobbling them up, what theyre doing is leasing the land and gobbling it up and using it for whatever purpose that might be for ag or usually agriculture.

John McDaniel

But yes, its happening a lot of places.

John McDaniel

The small farmers hurting.

Trent McCall


Trent McCall

I was raised on a farm across the valley that was, we milk 70 cows, and that's not even a hobby business now.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

And my parents raised four of us and sent us to college on that farm.

Trent McCall

And it's not possible now.

John McDaniel

No, no.

John McDaniel

The equipment costs alone, you know, I mean, just to have and maintain, you know, that kind of heavy equipment and, you know, and just the cost of everything.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

And labor included.

John McDaniel

If you don't have a big family and you have to hire the help done.

John McDaniel

Forget about it.

John McDaniel

It's not happening, you know, unless you're on large, large, large scale.

Trent McCall

Right, right.

John McDaniel

But anyway.

John McDaniel

Well, okay, cool.

John McDaniel

So, you know, I looked at.

John McDaniel

I looked at where you live on a map.

John McDaniel

This morning, as I was getting ready for our chat, and what I was immediately drawn to was the topography.

John McDaniel

I looked at it on a relief map, and, you know, you've got all kinds of really cool, you know, streams, rivers, creeks, you know, that are all running generally the same direction, probably because of the glaciers and, you know, and then, you know, how far are you from the finger lakes?

Trent McCall

Um, 40 miles.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

So, you know, they're saying, yeah, so it's an interesting terrain.

John McDaniel

You know, of course, we'll talk about, you know, I mentioned Keith Tidball from, you know, Cornwall, Cornell University, who's our, the foundation's science advisor and a good friend of mine.

John McDaniel

Um, he's the guy that, you know, kind of got you going in this space for turkey, right?

Trent McCall

Yes, definitely.

Trent McCall

Uh, we were, uh, my daughter and I were at a show, um, selling calls, and he came to the booth and asked if we would do a custom call, do a few of them, actually, for a fundraiser for his FlX event, the bucks and ducks.

Trent McCall

And, you know, instantly, anything that's.

Trent McCall

Anything needs to do with the kids or military where we're on board, there's.

Trent McCall

You can't.

Trent McCall

You can't service everybody that comes by looking for something.

Trent McCall

But those are things that we're kind of partial to.

Trent McCall

And when Keith just told us what he was doing with, with his event out there and what it would raise money for, we were definitely on board.

Trent McCall

My daughter is interior designer.

Trent McCall

I'm pretty proud of the fact that she's a gone through four years of school and done that.

Trent McCall

And as Keith walked away through the show, he said, you know, take a few minutes and.

Trent McCall

And think about it, and I'll come back from.

Trent McCall


Trent McCall

And my daughter looked at me and she said, isn't there a wood called Purple Heart?

Trent McCall

And I said, there sure is.

Trent McCall

And so we.

Trent McCall

We made ten Purple Heart calls that were one of tens and, and took them out to his event.

Trent McCall

And when I met the people out there that were at the event.

Trent McCall

It's the culmination of their event.

Trent McCall

They're kind of a banquet thing, and they have a fundraiser type thing at the end.

Trent McCall

And, yeah, that was our introduction to this.

Trent McCall

It was shortly after that a neighbor friend that we hunt with built a camp with basically cut the trees off of his land and wanted to build a camp by a pond.

Trent McCall

And I helped him design it, and he called me and he was done.

Trent McCall

And he said, you know, I want to do something back.

Trent McCall

You've got some connections in the, in the hunting and the fishing and that kind of thing.

Trent McCall

And Keith was the first thing I thought of.

Trent McCall

So we got ahold of Keith and, and he kind of put us with you and, and that's how the event started.

John McDaniel

Great stuff.

Trent McCall

It's just nothing we planned, but it, we fell into a dream, you know.

John McDaniel

I love the stories, man, on how, you know, people have found us.

John McDaniel

You know, most what most people don't, I guess, understand, and I don't know why they would, so don't don't feel bad.

John McDaniel

But, you know, I often like to remind myself and anybody who might be interested in what we're doing with our nation's wounded veterans with the Purple Heart community involves all volunteers.

John McDaniel

You know, everybody that's out there found every single for.

John McDaniel

We have 42 missions today in 2024 in 35 different states or something like that.

John McDaniel

But, you know, every single one of these opportunities has a volunteer at the center of it who found the organization by one way or another and stepped forward and said, I want, I want to, I want to, I'm in.

John McDaniel

I want to help.

John McDaniel

I want to get involved.

John McDaniel

You know, we don't go out there and look for people and go, hey, would you, huma, huma, huma, you know, hey, we got these guys.

John McDaniel

Yada, yada, yada.

John McDaniel

You know, that's never happened.

John McDaniel

I've never said that.

John McDaniel

Not one time have I ever said that.

John McDaniel

And so it was just remarkable to me.

John McDaniel

And I feel so blessed that so many people want to help our veterans, especially those that are struggling by way of recovering from the traumas of war and getting reconnected to their fellow veterans and, you know, in America, you know, and so it's really phenomenal.

John McDaniel

Thanks for what you're doing.

John McDaniel

I genuinely appreciate it and want to thank you publicly for providing this opportunity for our Purple Heart heroes out there.

John McDaniel

It's really great.

John McDaniel

Trent, I know you've got an amazing team.

John McDaniel

We already talked about Keith Tidball, but tell us about the rest of your, your team, I mean, at the center of the team is the coach, if you will.

John McDaniel

That's you, the leader, but you got a great team.

John McDaniel

You mentioned your daughter, but I'm sure there are other wonderful people out there that are helping, you know, make this happen.

John McDaniel

Tell, tell us about your team.

Trent McCall

We'll start with the core group because they, as you know, these teams are so big that somebody's going to get missed and forgotten.

Trent McCall

But the core, the core group is my good friends Ed and Lori Pool, who is, you know, they were the adjoining farm to ours growing up.

Trent McCall

We have a lot of, a lot of the kids in their family, and our family match up age wise and known them for a long time.

Trent McCall

They're the ones that have the chunk of land that has the camp on it.

Trent McCall

They also, Lori runs a diner, ice cream stand, and probably the world's best pie maker.

John McDaniel

What kind of pies does she make?

Trent McCall

You name it.

Trent McCall

You name it.

Trent McCall

She is a, she's, I can't even tell you how many thousands.

Trent McCall

So, so they have the camp sounds good that we hunt off and, and some of the land, and they, they do an awful lot to on that end of it as far as the, the housing and whatnot.

Trent McCall

And I, I kind of take care of the hunt end of it.

Trent McCall

And when we first started, it was just myself and theme.

Trent McCall

We started with one hero and one guide.

Trent McCall

And as we get into it and saw what we wanted to do, I instantly knew that we could house a few more, but we were going to need a few more guides.

Trent McCall

So a couple friends of mine that are fantastic hunters but just fantastic people as far as guides, and that's what you want.

Trent McCall

You're spending a lot of time with somebody out in the woods.

Trent McCall

Of course you want to go out with somebody that's going to give you the best opportunity on a bird, but, but somebody that's just a genuine good.

John McDaniel

Person, you're going to spend a lot of time in a turkey blind.

John McDaniel

You know, you better, like, I would say it's not important to like the guy, but it sure helps if you, if you're dealing with somebody who's a genuine nice person and doing this for the right, right reasons, which everybody on our team is.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

Yeah, go ahead, please.

Trent McCall

Zeb Leach and Josh Striker are two guys that come in and help us, help us guide.

Trent McCall

And they were kind of, you know, we kind of snuck them in and we didn't tell them a whole lot about what was going on.

Trent McCall

And, boy, they were hooked as soon as just like everybody else.

John McDaniel

You can't help it, man.

John McDaniel

You can't help it.

John McDaniel

You know, I mean, just sitting there listening to some of their stories or being close to these amazing Americans, you know?

John McDaniel

And of course, when you're hunting, you're hunting, but, you know, still with it.

John McDaniel

In a turkey blind, you can talk like this and have a great conversation, right?

John McDaniel

That's what happens a lot, right?

John McDaniel

You know, because you're going to spend, you know, a couple days with this person usually, and you're going to, you know, you're going to cut up and have fun and, you know, and then when, when that big old gobbler comes in after you've been calling him and your, your heart's in your throat, like, if your heart isn't in your throat, I don't care how long you've been doing it.

John McDaniel

When he gets all puffy and gets close within range and he's coming in on your decoys and responding to the call and he gets all puffed up and starts strutting, man.

John McDaniel

If your heart, like, isn't right in your throat and the adrenaline's just pumping through you, then, you know, this ain't for you.

John McDaniel

But I don't know of anybody, you know, who's into turkey hunting that, that it doesn't happen to not just one time, but like every time.

John McDaniel

It's such a cool every time, right?

Trent McCall

Yeah, it really, it's so interactive.

Trent McCall

You, you, you kind of control your own destiny a little bit more than sit and wait, you know?

John McDaniel

That's right.

Trent McCall

So, you know, it's, it's just a ball getting these guys out there.

Trent McCall

And some of the guys, guys that we've hunted with or have, you know, have haunted turkeys before, they haven't hunted them here.

Trent McCall

Some of the guys, it's brand new.

Trent McCall

And like you said, it's almost as much fun looking at the side profile and watching their eyes pop open and almost seeing their heartbeat as it is to watch the turkey come in.

Trent McCall

Well, and that's what these guys bring.

John McDaniel

To the table, too, so.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

I mean, here's the thing.

John McDaniel

This is why I look at it, you know, and I was mentioning this the other day as I was chatting with somebody on another podcast.

John McDaniel

But imagine, you know, going off and serving your country in some, some cases.

John McDaniel

These guys, you know, are 1015, you know, almost 20 years now, removed, you know, from the forward edge of the battlefield and having been wounded, you know, and, you know, they're, they're usually much better adjusted at this stage.

John McDaniel

I say usually, but at the same time, you know, every, most, all of them, you know, hey, like, I go so far as to say 100% of them have PTSD.

John McDaniel

I don't know how you couldn't, you know, do what they did and see what they've seen and not have some effects, certainly.

John McDaniel

Oh, by the way, they were wounded, you know, they were blown up, sometimes many times, shot, sometimes many times burned, sometimes many times.

John McDaniel

And walk away from that and go, yeah, I'm all right.

John McDaniel

Okay, so there's a process involved there.

John McDaniel

But my point is this.

John McDaniel

Imagine going off to a foreign country somewhere and doing that, having that experience, and then getting essentially kicked out of the military because, hey, your wounds preclude you from doing the job that you signed up to do.

John McDaniel

And so you get discharged, and now you're back on the block, and now what, Chuck?

John McDaniel

You know, the thing that you wanted your whole life is now gone.

John McDaniel

Your life is inexorably changed, and you finally get around to like, hey, you know, I think I'd like to learn more about this organization.

John McDaniel

The next thing you know, you know, they're on a WWIA event, and they're in some place they've never been before, would never have the opportunity to go.

John McDaniel

In this case, let's just pick, you know, your beautiful country, upstate New York and Truxton, New York.

John McDaniel

You know, they meet you, your family and your team, and they're sitting in a turkey blind for the first time of their life.

John McDaniel

They've seen this stuff on tv, maybe, but they've never actually done it.

John McDaniel

And then here comes this monster gobbler from across the field in on these decoys.

John McDaniel

And the reality of what is setting in is just, you know, all of a sudden gripping you to the point where, you know, you are in that moment and you're going to get that opportunity and you take it, and you're successful or you're not for whatever reason, but what you're doing is you're creating wonderful memories, and you're saying to them in a way that only supports men, can say, welcome home.

John McDaniel

We appreciate what you did.

John McDaniel

We value what you did for this country.

John McDaniel

You're in a safe place, and I'm going to put you on.

John McDaniel

I'm going to give you the best I have today and tomorrow and the next day while you're here.

John McDaniel

You know that right there, those expressions are, in fact, the most powerful expressions that I think we as american citizens can offer to these great Americans.

John McDaniel

That's my true feeling.

John McDaniel

I know it.

John McDaniel

I see it.

John McDaniel

I do the work.

John McDaniel

Have been doing it for 18 years.

John McDaniel

And you and I share a lot in common, even though we just met.

John McDaniel

And I think that's phenomenal.

John McDaniel

That's what I think.

Trent McCall

I appreciate what you're saying so much that for having the opportunity to do that, what we do in four days is the most minute part of a thank you that we, that these guys deserve, but we're going to give it 1000% for those four days.

John McDaniel

You're going to serve.

John McDaniel

You're serving, man.

John McDaniel

You're serving.

John McDaniel

That's what you're doing.

John McDaniel

That's what I do, too.

John McDaniel

Honest to God, when I go up to my camp, that's what I'm.

John McDaniel

I'm a server, I am a servant, you know, and I put all my, you know, stuff, whatever it is, away, you know?

John McDaniel

You know, and I focus on that mission of providing the best opportunity that I and that and my team can, can produce for these heroes.

John McDaniel

That's it.

Trent McCall

What we always tell them, we're, as soon as they get here, kind of.

Trent McCall

Kind of break the news to them that we're always going to be successful out there.

Trent McCall

Yeah, sometimes we're going to harvest, sometimes we'll harvest.

Trent McCall

We're always going to be successful.

Trent McCall

And we're giving it a, giving these guys, hopefully a life, a lifelong hobby, something.

Trent McCall

We'll teach them how to do these things.

Trent McCall

And if we don't happen to harvest bird here, maybe they go home and get one in their community or at least have an idea what they're doing when they get out in the woods to have some more, you know, the lifelong part of it.

Trent McCall

What we do in those four days is unbelievable.

Trent McCall

The friendships that we form are amazing in that short amount of time.

Trent McCall

But hopefully it's a longevity, too, of what we're giving them for hobby aspect in the future as well.

John McDaniel

It's like the old saying, give a guy a fish, or in this case, give a guy a turkey, eats for a day, teach the guy how to turkey hunt, and he might eat for a lifetime, you know, metaphorically speaking, you know, I mean, it's really true.

John McDaniel

And not only do you guys do the turkey, you know, you guys are fly fishing, at least you used to.

John McDaniel

I assume that's still part of the program.

John McDaniel

You got a lot of fishy waters around you, don't you?

Trent McCall

We do.

Trent McCall

We do.

Trent McCall

And again, back to Keith Tidball.

Trent McCall

Yeah, doctor Keith Tidball.

Trent McCall

We like to call him Uncle Keith UK because he's kind of.

John McDaniel

His new call said UK.

Trent McCall

Yeah, he at this, I think I've heard you say before, the hundred pound head.

John McDaniel

Oh, yeah, that's true.

John McDaniel

He's got a hundred pound head.

John McDaniel

He's a smart guy, man.

Trent McCall

He is.

Trent McCall

He's done an awful lot for us to get.

Trent McCall

To get into this.

Trent McCall

And one of the things he helped us with is, at the camp, there's a pond that he helped us get stocked with trout.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

So we come back, we can only, in New York, you can only hunt turkeys till noon, so we've got noons open.

Trent McCall


Trent McCall


John McDaniel

I don't think I've ever.

John McDaniel

I don't, now that you say it.

John McDaniel

I've hunted a lot in upstate New York, deer and upland bird, and I fished a lot.

John McDaniel

You know, the asabel I fished the years ago, but I've never hunted turkey, so I didn't know that.

John McDaniel

Not there anymore.

Trent McCall

Yeah, we.

Trent McCall

We can hunt from, uh, it's half an hour before sunrise till noon, and that gives us the afternoons to do a lot of other stuff.

Trent McCall

So, um.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

We brought keith in, who's a very accomplished fly fisherman.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

Um, and we got with Cortland line, which is a world famous.

John McDaniel

I know Cortlandt.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel


John McDaniel


John McDaniel

Fly lines.

Trent McCall

So they.

Trent McCall

They've been nice enough to join with us, and, uh, we get the guys all set up with a full.

Trent McCall

Full set of gear with fishing poles, flies, and all that.

Trent McCall

Keith was nice enough to come in to teach him how to fly fish, and it's the first year we've done it, and within an hour of his instruction, they had all had a trout in their hand.

Trent McCall

And then we do all weekend.

John McDaniel

How cool is that?

Trent McCall

Yeah, it's a real neat, real neat situation where we've got it.

Trent McCall

It's just everything is lined up perfectly for a good weekend, for outdoors.

Trent McCall

And we don't have to go anywhere.

Trent McCall

We sit at the.

Trent McCall

We sit on the deck of the camp and fly fish.

John McDaniel

I love that.

John McDaniel

And I got to ask you this, man, as a host, because you mean about 42 others out there in the country share the same.

John McDaniel

I don't know, I think maybe same feeling, but certainly the same space as a host, right?

John McDaniel

That's what we call them.

John McDaniel

The guy or gal that's putting on the event.

John McDaniel

The host.

John McDaniel

The event host.

John McDaniel

And like I said, I still do it.

John McDaniel

So I'm the original host, I suppose.

John McDaniel

But the one thing that always happens to me, and I'm just curious, I'll share my story, and I'd like to hear yours, like, after an event.

John McDaniel

Okay, so this is what I liken it too.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

There's all this energy that nobody gets to see.

John McDaniel

That happens before the event.

John McDaniel

It's the windup, like the.

John McDaniel

The baseball pitchers wind up, right?

John McDaniel

You know, he goes to the mound, he grabs the bag, he gets some resin on his hand, he catches the ball, you know, he gets on the rubber, he looks into, you know, all this stuff going on before that pitch, right?

John McDaniel

So it's the same thing with the foundation.

John McDaniel

You know, all this planning and preparation that's happening around this event back here at the headquarters, certainly in the field.

John McDaniel

So you got all this wind up going on, and then the heroes show up, and they're there for three or four days, and that's the pitch, right?

John McDaniel

Boom, it happens like that, and then it's over.

John McDaniel

And then there's the.

John McDaniel

The follow through.

John McDaniel

What happens after that?

John McDaniel

That catcher either catches the ball or the hitter hits the pitch.

John McDaniel

There's all kinds of stuff that happens after that, too.

John McDaniel

So it's the wind up, the pitch and the follow through.

John McDaniel

And so the headquarters is involved in all of that, and you, as a host, are involved in all of that.

John McDaniel

But my question to you is, you know, what happens?

John McDaniel

The feelings that you have after they leave, they're drawing out of the driveway, or you've dropped them off at the airport, and they're going back to wherever they came from.

John McDaniel

The combat wounded heroes on the event and the guide are going back to wherever they came from.

John McDaniel

You get back to your house, you get back to your cabin, and then what?

John McDaniel

Like, what's that?

John McDaniel

I don't know if you share the same feelings as I do afterwards, but I always call it the post event coma.

Trent McCall

It's the.

Trent McCall

It's funny that you asked that, because I don't share it with a whole lot of people.

Trent McCall

I probably should share it with more.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

You talk about the wind up and you talk about the nerves and all that, trying to show these guys a great time and trying to get turkeys in front of them and trying to do all this stuff.

Trent McCall

And then you meet them and you have that wonderful weekend and all those wonderful experiences, and then I take them back to the airport.

Trent McCall

Uh, anybody that's flying, uh, you know, we.

Trent McCall

We say our goodbyes at the camp to those that drive, and then.

Trent McCall

And then I get everybody back to the airport.

Trent McCall

And as that.

Trent McCall

As that plane leaves the Syracuse area, uh, that's when it.

Trent McCall

It pours.

Trent McCall

Yeah, I.

Trent McCall

I don't drive for half an hour.

Trent McCall

Yeah, it's.

Trent McCall

It just comes out.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall


Trent McCall


Trent McCall

I sit there and cry for half an hour.

John McDaniel

God bless you, man.

John McDaniel

I mean, I know, I know.

John McDaniel

And you can't.

John McDaniel

You can't put your finger on that.

John McDaniel

There's no way in the world.

John McDaniel

You just can't.

John McDaniel

And you can't explain it, and you don't have to.

John McDaniel

That's the thing.

John McDaniel

And you know why?

John McDaniel

Because you don't understand it.

John McDaniel

And neither do I.

John McDaniel

It's like I said to my sister, I'll say this because I don't.

John McDaniel

I'm not afraid of anything, you know, that I'm aware of.

John McDaniel

But, you know, I was asking my sister because she was, you know, one of my very, you know, we're really close and the person, you know, one of the people that I trust a great deal.

John McDaniel

And I said, you know, I just don't understand.

John McDaniel

You know, I go to church, you know, and I said, I weep at church.

John McDaniel

I said, I don't understand that.

John McDaniel

I didn't.

John McDaniel

When I was a kid, I didn't, you know, but now I'm like, I don't know.

John McDaniel

I don't understand that.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

You know, I don't know why that is.

John McDaniel

You know, what's wrong with me?

John McDaniel

She's like, there's nothing wrong with you.

John McDaniel

You know, it's just that you're probably experiencing feelings that you don't understand.

John McDaniel

And I was like, that's exactly right.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

And it's this.

John McDaniel

It's the same.

John McDaniel

It's the same thing, you know, and it's powerful.

John McDaniel

And so that just tells you you're doing it right, man.

John McDaniel

That's why I feel about it.

John McDaniel

You're doing it right.

John McDaniel

If you don't have that, like, that's it.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

That's what.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

Looks like I sit there in my truck after, you know, dropping off the manliest of men I've ever been around, and here I am.

Trent McCall

A puddle.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

And I'm thinking I'm either doing something really good or something real wrong.

Trent McCall

Can't be wrong.

John McDaniel

No, it's not.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

Hey, brother, I appreciate that.

John McDaniel

I appreciate you sharing that with me.

John McDaniel

That's super cool.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel


John McDaniel

Okay, so that's enough blowing snot bubbles for the day.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

Let's switch gears a little bit.

John McDaniel

I want to talk about.

John McDaniel

I want to talk about your calls.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

You have a business.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

Oh, by the way, so I don't forget, I want to order if I can.

John McDaniel

I know you said you want to put them in my hand, and I would love you for you to be able to do that, but I want to order some from the foundation and we can talk those details.

John McDaniel

But, you know, here's what I'll hear.

John McDaniel

And I'm not asking for a gimme.

John McDaniel

I score.

John McDaniel

We're doing a business deal right here on the air.

John McDaniel

So that.

John McDaniel

Be prepared, man.

John McDaniel

And I'm not taking them.

John McDaniel

I'm going to give them to you as an answer that I.

John McDaniel

That I will not accept.

John McDaniel

But here, here's the thing.

John McDaniel

Seriously, man.

John McDaniel

I've looked at your calls on, on your web, on your Facebook page.

John McDaniel

And they're beautiful.

John McDaniel

And I'm a box call guy.

John McDaniel

If it was a slate, I would say I'd still have this conversation with you.

John McDaniel

Because I love slate calls as well.

John McDaniel

But I am a box guy and I am died.

John McDaniel

You know, I love box calls for turkeys.

John McDaniel

That's what I use.

John McDaniel

If you say you can only bring one thing, I go, guess what?

John McDaniel

I'm only bringing one thing.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

I'm just a box call guy.

John McDaniel

And I know there's dudes that are suit.

John McDaniel

Way more talented than me.

John McDaniel

They got the box call, they got the read, they got the slate.

John McDaniel

And I use this for that.

John McDaniel

And humma, humma, not me, man.

John McDaniel

I use that.

John McDaniel

Right, what you have in your hand right there.

John McDaniel

Only thing I carry out there in the woods.

John McDaniel

And I wouldn't call myself a very accomplished turkey hunter.

John McDaniel

I've been successful.

John McDaniel

I love it.

John McDaniel

That's all that really matters.

John McDaniel

But that's what I bring.

John McDaniel

So what I wanted to ask you was, well, first off, I want to order like ten of them.

John McDaniel

And if you can only do five, because it's too much, then I'll take five.

John McDaniel

And on no timeline, but I would love.

John McDaniel

I have our logo on it.

John McDaniel

And whatever else you got, you got.

John McDaniel

You know, I've seen the logo, the four leaf custom.

John McDaniel

That's beautiful.

John McDaniel

Maybe somewhere slap our logo on there and honor, connect, heal.

John McDaniel

Because what I'll do with them is I'll make sure they go for charitable purposes.

John McDaniel

But I want to purchase them from you.

John McDaniel

But then we'll use them to.

John McDaniel

As gifts and as ways of raising additional resource at, say, some of these events that we do, fundraising activities.

John McDaniel

So let's talk those details offline when we get done.

John McDaniel

But I want to tell you that that's what I would like to do.

John McDaniel

With your permission.

John McDaniel

But tell us about, you know, the box call.

John McDaniel

I mean, I know you mentioned you were using, you know, purple heart wood, you know, as part of the call in the past.

John McDaniel

And I'm not asking you to do that.

John McDaniel

I know that's expensive.

John McDaniel

And it's, you know, maybe not the greatest word would, to work with.

John McDaniel

I don't know, but maybe you don't choose.

John McDaniel

What's that?

Trent McCall

I said, maybe you don't get to choose.

John McDaniel

Maybe I don't get, see, I love that I don't get to choose.

John McDaniel

Even better, I don't get to choose.

John McDaniel

John, shut up.

Trent McCall

Maybe it already is.

Trent McCall

Is Purple Heart.

John McDaniel

Maybe it already is.

John McDaniel

Hoping it would go anyway.

John McDaniel

So tell us about that.

John McDaniel

I mean, what, why the box call?

John McDaniel

How long you been doing it?

John McDaniel

How did you get into it?

John McDaniel

And, you know, tell us about that.

John McDaniel

I'd love to hear about that.

Trent McCall

So, like I was saying, before I grew up on a farm, my father was not a deer hunter.

Trent McCall

And, you know, boat with a bow, with a gun, right on up through.

Trent McCall

And I, as we got older, when the farms started going into bigger conglomerates, my parents sold their farm, kept a lot of the wooded lot.

Trent McCall

We have a couple hundred acres here that we can hunt.

Trent McCall

And my brother moved to Florida.

Trent McCall

He's just down the road from you.

Trent McCall

He's down in Naples, south of you.

Trent McCall

And when he moved down there, he would come back for walleye season, which coincides with turkey season.

Trent McCall

I'm a woodworker now by trade.

Trent McCall

I do high end woodworking.

John McDaniel

You do?

Trent McCall

And I said, yeah, that's, that's what I do for a living is, uh, it's fancier.

Trent McCall

Moldings, trims, cabinets, that kind of thing.

Trent McCall


John McDaniel


Trent McCall

And that, and the, and the fact that I like to hunt, I decided that it was turkey season when he came back.

Trent McCall

I said, if I build a call, will you, will you go with me while you're here?

Trent McCall

And, and he said, sure.

Trent McCall

And so we went out, and first thing, we set up in the morning and called a bunch of woodpeckers and robins and decided maybe we weren't doing it right.

Trent McCall

So we stood up and made a move, and we actually called in a coyote first thing in the morning, which I thought, again, I'm terrible at this, but we, we were providing a meal for that coyote, I guess.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

As I, as I learned later, and then half an hour later, I killed one of the best birds I've ever shot in my life, and I was absolutely addicted to it with a piece of wood that I made, and I've got it here.

Trent McCall

I kind of showed you.

John McDaniel

Is that the one you used?

John McDaniel

Is that your first one?

Trent McCall

This call will be going out for its 30th season this spring, and it's, every bird I've ever harvested has heard this.

John McDaniel

What's that picture on the side there looks like Debbie?

Trent McCall

Yeah, I got it.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel


Trent McCall


John McDaniel

Oh, my gosh.

John McDaniel

Why is that on there?

John McDaniel

That's what you call it?

John McDaniel

That's the name of the box.

Trent McCall

It's big Debbie.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

Dude, we always take little.

Trent McCall

Little Debbie snacks with us in the woods.

Trent McCall

So she's.

Trent McCall

She's big Debbie.

Trent McCall

So I got it lasered on there.

John McDaniel

That is awesome, man.

John McDaniel

That's so cool.

Trent McCall

That's how it started.

Trent McCall


John McDaniel

But so what did you do?

John McDaniel

Just look at.

John McDaniel

Did you just look at another example of one of these things and then just crank one out and experiment with it until you get.

John McDaniel

I mean, it's not like rocket science, I don't reckon, but it's.

Trent McCall


John McDaniel

It's beautiful.

John McDaniel

And I don't know how they work.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

I mean, it's just the.

John McDaniel

And what.

John McDaniel

What is that?

John McDaniel

What is that?

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

What do you do?

John McDaniel

Do you have your own chalk or do you use a chalk?

John McDaniel

What, I mean, what do you.

John McDaniel

What is that?

Trent McCall

It's a chalk designed for calls.

Trent McCall

Um, a lot of people pick up different kinds.

Trent McCall

But what it is, it makes the call more crisp.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

Where the friction plated.

Trent McCall

Where the friction between two pieces of wood comes together to make the noise, it makes it more crisp.

Trent McCall

Once you get a call that beat in and works really well, you don't need it anymore.

Trent McCall

A lot of people won't.

Trent McCall

But this call hasn't had chalk on it in ten years.

John McDaniel

You're kidding.

Trent McCall

Just, you use.

John McDaniel

It doesn't have.

John McDaniel

It doesn't have chalk on it and it works.

Trent McCall

There, there was.

Trent McCall

Yeah, it's.

Trent McCall

There's no chalk on that.

John McDaniel

Hit it again.

John McDaniel

I missed that.

John McDaniel

Can you hit it?

Trent McCall

I don't hear it with them.

John McDaniel

Yeah, it's not picking up on the mic.

John McDaniel

That's okay.

John McDaniel

No, you got.

John McDaniel

He's got this little head boom on that we sent everybody.

John McDaniel

It's not very sophisticated, so it's not picking it up.

John McDaniel

But that, that is so.

John McDaniel

You know, I'm glad you say that, because here I was all worried, like, oh, my God, I'm running on a chalk.

John McDaniel

You know, where am I going to get this chalk?

John McDaniel

You know?

John McDaniel

This thing won't work right, without chalk.

John McDaniel

But I've used it without chalk and it still works.

John McDaniel

So here, here I'm talking a caller who's, you know, a guy who makes calls, like, yeah, I ran out of chalk 29 years ago.

John McDaniel

It still works.

John McDaniel

I love it.

Trent McCall


Trent McCall

In the beginning, they require quite a bit, but.

Trent McCall

But then so, so kind of to get back to that.

Trent McCall


Trent McCall

I built that call, and so then I built one for my brother.

Trent McCall

We'd build them, you know, and just take friends out and stuff.

Trent McCall

And I really didn't.

Trent McCall

I knew kind of what they looked like, but I just started fiddling around with it and filing and bending and doing this stuff.

Trent McCall

And there's not a lot you could do different with it.

Trent McCall

It's a box with a lid that strikes, but it's a matter of, you know, how you file it, how you change it, how you move it.

Trent McCall

And I got better at it, and more people said, you know, you really ought to think about selling those things.

Trent McCall

And I had.

Trent McCall

I just.

Trent McCall

It wasn't something I had planned to do or something I thought I was good enough at.

Trent McCall

I bought a.

Trent McCall

I bought a table at a rod and gun show for $25 for one day, little show, and I sold a call, and it was like, wow, maybe I can do this.

Trent McCall

I think it only cost me, like, $300 to sell that call for 20.

Trent McCall

But it was.

Trent McCall

It was the start.

John McDaniel

I know I do some oil painting, and mostly just for me, but I got brave once upon a time, and I put up a few of my paintings online, you know, on Facebook, you know, just to my friends, you know, say, hey, you know, check it out, man.

John McDaniel

And mostly just.

John McDaniel

I don't know why.

John McDaniel

It's like, I was afraid to do it, and that's why I did it.

John McDaniel

So you gotta face your fears, right?

John McDaniel

I was.

John McDaniel

I was, like, afraid, right?

John McDaniel

I was afraid to put my paintings on Facebook.

John McDaniel

I say afraid.

John McDaniel

That's not the right word.

John McDaniel

I was.

John McDaniel

I was.

John McDaniel

I was apprehensive about doing it because I.

John McDaniel

You know, who likes to be criticized, right?

John McDaniel

Nobody really likes that.

John McDaniel

Although, you know, I did study art a little bit, and, you know, in college before I switched gears to economics.

John McDaniel

And, you know, in the art world, that's part of the deal.

John McDaniel

You're getting criticized, right?

John McDaniel

So I got over that pretty quick.

John McDaniel

But anyway, I put it out there, and then people.

John McDaniel

A few people were like, hey, man, can you do one for me?

John McDaniel

And they were on the side.

John McDaniel

I started doing artwork for other people, for money, you know, and it wasn't a lot of money, like you say, you know, I bought a $300 table and I sold a call for $20.

John McDaniel

Like, you know, it's like, I'm not doing that.

John McDaniel

I'm not doing that again.

John McDaniel

But anyway, so I understand that.

John McDaniel

So how do they.

John McDaniel

How do they find you?

John McDaniel

Like, if somebody wants to.

John McDaniel

Wants one of your.

John McDaniel

Your calls, you don't have to.

John McDaniel

I mean, I don't know if you're still in the business of doing this, but if you don't want to tell us, to tell people how to find you.

John McDaniel

I already mentioned your name, so you might be out of luck there, buddy.

Trent McCall

No, I.

Trent McCall

About as fancy as it gets is I have a Facebook page that's four leaf custom calls, and I do meet people that way.

Trent McCall

And I've sent calls out different places.

Trent McCall

The majority of what I sell is at shows.

Trent McCall

I like the interaction.

Trent McCall

This has never been about a money thing.

Trent McCall

It's more about the people that I meet that get to use the calls.

Trent McCall

So, if you look at the Facebook page, you can get my number off there, and.

Trent McCall

And then we can meet and talk and kind of get you set up with.

Trent McCall

With what you need.

Trent McCall

But again, it's.

Trent McCall

It's for me, too.

Trent McCall


Trent McCall

It's me getting to meet somebody that.

Trent McCall

Like yourself.

Trent McCall


Trent McCall


Trent McCall

Basically, everything that, right up through the wounded warriors has happened by accident, by the fact that I make these calls.

Trent McCall

We, you and I wouldn't be talking right now had it not been for these.

Trent McCall

So it's just.

Trent McCall

That's the payout.

John McDaniel

That's cool, man.

John McDaniel

That's so true.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

It's like, you never would have thought that, you know, you deciding to make turkey calls would lead you to where you are, like the.

John McDaniel

The branches, the sequels, the.

John McDaniel

You know.

John McDaniel

But that's.

John McDaniel

That's it.

John McDaniel

It's the call.

John McDaniel

And that makes that so much more valuable to me, anyway, and to the foundation.

John McDaniel

The fact that, hey, you're a woodworker.

John McDaniel

You decided to make calls.

John McDaniel

Keith did.

John McDaniel

Balfange did some for his FlX event.

John McDaniel

The next thing you know, you're a host, and you and I are talking on.

John McDaniel

On, you know, a podcast, right?

John McDaniel

And eventually, we'll meet.

Trent McCall

I mean, what an amazing trip it's been, right?

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

It's crazy.

John McDaniel

It is crazy.

John McDaniel

And I think, you know, I mean, I like to say, you know, well, there's a reason for all of it, right?

John McDaniel

I mean, there just is, you know, and, you know, it's.

John McDaniel

You know, we got a good idea.

John McDaniel

We got a good thing going here.

John McDaniel

And, you know, it's hard.

John McDaniel

As I said the other day, you know, it's hard to defeat a good idea.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

And so, you know, I appreciate all that.

John McDaniel

You do.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

You know, I would like to hear a little bit more about your.

John McDaniel

Your woodworking outside of the calls.

John McDaniel

I'm just curious.

John McDaniel

I mean, that's.

John McDaniel

That's what you do.

John McDaniel

You're a woodworker.

John McDaniel

I mean, you mentioned moldings.

John McDaniel

I mean, tell me, please, I would love to hear.

John McDaniel

I'm fascinated by the trades, and I love woodworking.

John McDaniel

I'm horrible at it, and I'm not really, other than shop when I was in high school or something like that.

John McDaniel

But I do love woodworking.

John McDaniel

I've always admired it.

John McDaniel

But tell me about, what kind of work do you do?

Trent McCall

We work in.

Trent McCall

We work quite a bit in multi million dollar homes that I probably wouldn't have any business being in, other than the fact that I'm building them.

John McDaniel

You're building the home or doing the trim work or what are you doing?

Trent McCall

We don't build the house.

Trent McCall

We'll do the moldings, the trims.

Trent McCall

We do a lot of curved moldings, curved crowns, stuff that it kind of stuff that nobody else wants to do or knows how to do.

Trent McCall

I can show you pictures and stuff of different things.

John McDaniel

You have to soak the wood before you curve it.

John McDaniel

Is that what you do?

Trent McCall

We do a lot of laminate work where we cut thin layers, put it on forms, and re glue it back together to hold its shape and in vacuum bags and that sort of thing.

Trent McCall

And that's where the turkey call thing kind of shakes hands with the woodworking and the hunting part.

Trent McCall

I've been able to do some calls that are very unique, that I don't believe anybody else is doing via the stuff, the tools that we have.

Trent McCall

Most of the homes that we work on are not primary residents.

Trent McCall

They're the 7th or 8th house, and they're showpieces.

Trent McCall

They're over the top, that kind of thing.

Trent McCall

And it.

Trent McCall


Trent McCall


Trent McCall

I built houses when I got out of college.

Trent McCall

That's what I went to school for with my father in law.

Trent McCall

And I noticed that when we got to the trim portion of it with the, you know, the stairs and the cabinets and stuff, that was the part that I liked the best.

Trent McCall

And I don't know if you've heard of Stickley furniture.

Trent McCall

It's a, it's a high end furniture company that's, that's near here that had some openings.

Trent McCall

And my father in law said, you know, I know you really like the detailed part of it.

Trent McCall

They've got some openings.

Trent McCall

Give it a try.

Trent McCall

If you don't like it, come on back.

Trent McCall

And, and so one thing led to another, and I built their prototypes for, like, 16 years of the prototype furniture pieces and got to build some stuff for some famous people, and I haven't got to meet them, but, but then I moved from that into a smaller shop where we do moldings and trims.

Trent McCall

It's called one source millworks.

Trent McCall

And they've, they've been, they've been awful good to me to allow me to do the calls.

Trent McCall

And they stand behind what I'm doing with the wounded warriors, too.

Trent McCall

They've made a very nice donation to that as well.

Trent McCall

So I'd like to mention them as a source and a help.

John McDaniel

That's cool.

John McDaniel

Well, that's really cool.

John McDaniel

So if one of the things I want to do in my, my personal, my personal home is just change out the moldings in the whole house, right.

John McDaniel

It's not a big house.

John McDaniel

You know, it's very modest, but just the doorways, like, as an example, you know, when you start to.

John McDaniel

I was just at a friend, a friend of mine's home in upstate New York on Long island, and a little rendezvous going on up there.

John McDaniel

And I was looking, I was admiring his trim work, and I'm like, oh, my gosh.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

Holy crap.

John McDaniel

You know what a difference it makes in an entryway just for every door.

John McDaniel

Like, every single door in the house has got a, has got molding around it that's just really neat.

John McDaniel

And if it's done right and it's really high quality versus the stuff.

John McDaniel

Nothing against Home Depot, okay.

John McDaniel

You know?

John McDaniel

All right.

John McDaniel

Nothing against.

John McDaniel

Because that's what builders use for the most part.

John McDaniel

Like, this is your house, and they want to sell it.

John McDaniel

In 1985, they built this, you know, 2000 square foot, you know, ranch style home.

John McDaniel

And this is what you got.

John McDaniel

And unless you want to change it, it's going to be there until somebody does.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

And I'm like, thinking to myself, you know what?

John McDaniel

It would just be a cool little project.

John McDaniel

It's not that hard.

John McDaniel

Like, getting it up.

John McDaniel

It's not hard, right.

John McDaniel

The hard part is like, the, and the angles aren't even that hard, right.

John McDaniel

It's the, you know, so an average person could do it.

John McDaniel

Like, I could do that if I had it, I think I could do it, right?

John McDaniel

But I don't have it, and I don't know where to get it.

John McDaniel

And that, that's the thing is, like, I want to ask my buddy, like, I felt really like a jerk one day.

John McDaniel

I was like, I'm not even going to ask him.

John McDaniel

Like, hey, dude, do you remember who did your molding?

John McDaniel

I mean, I just want the words couldn't, I couldn't get the words out of my face.

John McDaniel

But anyway, so one source, Millworks.

John McDaniel

If I can, I go online and look at their molding and order it and have it show up in Florida.

Trent McCall

For sure.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

For sure.

Trent McCall


John McDaniel

Yeah, I'm doing it.

John McDaniel

I'm doing it.

Trent McCall

I've done work in Naples.

Trent McCall

I've done work in Fort Myers.

Trent McCall


John McDaniel


Trent McCall


John McDaniel

Oh, my gosh.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

I'm going to check it out.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

And you work that at that place?

John McDaniel

One source, Millworks.

John McDaniel

That's where you work?

Trent McCall


John McDaniel

All right.

Trent McCall

Yeah, we, it's a pretty neat company.

Trent McCall

They, we do moldings, trims.

Trent McCall

There's a commercial side and a residential side and, and then the, the custom portion of it that I actually manage that part of it.

John McDaniel

Oh, that's great.

Trent McCall

And they've, they've, they've allowed me, I don't know if you can see in the, you see the right here?

Trent McCall

Let's see if I point at it.

John McDaniel

Yeah, that right there.

John McDaniel

Yeah, I do see that.

John McDaniel

I don't know what I'm looking.

Trent McCall

That's the world's largest box call.

Trent McCall

And they allowed me to build that.

John McDaniel

Oh, my God.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

Did you get a world record out of that?

Trent McCall

I'm in the process of getting it in the Guinness book.

Trent McCall

World Records.

Trent McCall

It is.

Trent McCall

It is the world's largest call.

John McDaniel

God bless you, man.

John McDaniel

What a great story.

Trent McCall

It's 6ft tall and it weighs 70.

John McDaniel

Pounds and it brings in a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Trent McCall

There you go.

John McDaniel

Can hear him coming.

Trent McCall

You better be ready to be ready, man.

John McDaniel

Better bring a 50 caliber for this guy.

John McDaniel

Well, that's so cool.

John McDaniel

I love it.

John McDaniel

I love it.

John McDaniel

Well, you know, it's been a pleasure, you know, getting to know you, and I just had a great time today chatting with you.

John McDaniel

You've made my day, man.

John McDaniel

I appreciate it.

John McDaniel

So I usually, or I try to always give my host the last whack at the pinata, you know, don't save any rounds, man.

John McDaniel

It's like, you know, this is, this is Gettysburg and they're coming.

John McDaniel

You know, you get, you might as well just expend all ammunition if you got anything you want to chat about that we've missed today.

Trent McCall


Trent McCall

Thanks for the opportunity to do this.

Trent McCall

I thought a lot about this when you asked me to be on the show of different things that I wanted to say.

Trent McCall

And I could go on for days and days and days of the experiences that I've had and what we've gotten out of it.

Trent McCall

I hope the warriors have gotten out of it as much as we've gotten out of it ourselves.

Trent McCall

I think in my weird mind, I think of you as a funnel and the idea is that everybody wants to do something.

Trent McCall

Everybody wants to go in a direction.

Trent McCall

And I didn't realize it until we got into this, how much truth there is to that.

Trent McCall

I didn't myself realize how much I wanted to do this until I was given a direction.

Trent McCall

And I think of wounded warriors like a funnel.

Trent McCall

It's everybody.

Trent McCall

You take all these desires to do the right thing, and it hits the funnel, and it's consolidated into a spot in the middle.

Trent McCall

And that's the very best we can do.

Trent McCall

You're catching all the very best of the best.

Trent McCall

And I appreciate you being that funnel.

John McDaniel

Well, I appreciate you putting it in that way, Trent, because nobody's ever said it that way.

John McDaniel

And I will take that to heart and use it again, footnoting it accordingly.

John McDaniel

But I do appreciate it and thanks for what you and your team have done and continue to do.

John McDaniel

And it's great.

John McDaniel

You're doing phenomenal work.

John McDaniel

And I was told before we first chatted this morning, before I first met, that I was going to like you and that you were a wonderful man.

John McDaniel

And I.

John McDaniel

All that is true.

John McDaniel

So I appreciate you.

John McDaniel

I look forward to, you know, shaking your hand someday here in the not too distant future, I hope, and I'll.

Trent McCall

Hold you to it.

John McDaniel

I know.

John McDaniel

Well, that's why I said it.

John McDaniel

Listen, you have a great day, and if there's anything we can ever do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.

John McDaniel

Keep doing what you're doing, man, and send my best to your team and everybody who's supporting you.

John McDaniel

And it means a lot, you know?

John McDaniel

Means a lot.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel


John McDaniel

Not just to me, but, you know, the lives you're affecting and, and, you know, you're doing it, too.

John McDaniel

And that's the good stuff.

John McDaniel

That's, that.

John McDaniel

That's the thing.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

You're creating memories, positive memories that are supplanting some that aren't so good, you know?

John McDaniel

And, and, you know, for them, the, you know, these great Americans to come, come back home to America and then settle in on the life after the service and to be exposed to great people like yourself and your team is life changing in many cases, and it really is.

John McDaniel

I mean, that just that expression of, hey, I don't know these people from a hole in the wall, but they're letting me into their homes.

John McDaniel

I'm having this amazing experience.

John McDaniel

These are high quality people.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

What I did is really valued.

John McDaniel

And that's subconsciously or even perhaps consciously in some cases.

John McDaniel

That's the message that's being embedded in them, in their hearts and their minds, in every fiber of their being.

John McDaniel

And that's what makes it so powerful.

John McDaniel

And you're doing it because you know you love them.

John McDaniel

You know you do it because you respect them and you respect what they did.

John McDaniel

And this is your way of giving back, and you're doing it superbly well.

John McDaniel

Thank you.

Trent McCall

Thank you.

Trent McCall

Thank you.

Trent McCall

And again, thank you for the opportunity.

Trent McCall

These are resilient men, and all we're doing is trying to help them remember to enjoy the country that they defended.

John McDaniel

Oh, that's right.

John McDaniel


John McDaniel

Say, yeah, man.

John McDaniel

You got it going on, man.

John McDaniel

You've thought a lot about this, and I can tell it's coming from your heart, and that's you're hitting on some very, very key, key ideas and key concepts that make this really as great as it is.

John McDaniel

Thanks, buddy.

John McDaniel

When you get around to, you know, the calls, let's.

John McDaniel

I'll tell you what, we'll send.

John McDaniel

We'll sign off here, and then we'll.

John McDaniel

We'll chat a little bit of business off air.

John McDaniel

How's that sound?

Trent McCall

Sounds good.

John McDaniel

All right.

John McDaniel

Thanks for all you do.

John McDaniel

Have a great day.

John McDaniel

Stick around.

John McDaniel

We'll chat in the post room.

John McDaniel


Trent McCall

All right, sounds good.

Trent McCall


John McDaniel



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thank you for your support and for helping us honor, connect, and heal our combat wounded purple heart heroes through the power of the great outdoors.