Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation

Purple Heart Associates

Hunter with large whitetail buck at night.

Adam Cook

Adam Cook

Hometown: Ionia, MI
Branch of Service: US Army
Rank: MSG
Awards: Bronze Star Medal with "V" device and 2 OLC, Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal with "V" Device and 5 OLC
Theater: Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Niger, Kyrgyzstan

Adam was born and raised in a rural farming community in Michigan. He enlisted in the US Army after graduating High School as an Infantryman and served his first term as a Sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. For the remainder of his career, Adam served in various capacities within 3D Special Forces Group (A) at Fort Bragg, NC where he deployed numerous times in support of a range of Operations. Adam retired after 20 years of service in 2024. He now enjoys the outdoors and blacksmithing on his farm in rural northern Michigan with his wife and three children.

Allen Pippin

Allen Pippin

Hometown: Smithville, MO
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: Sergeant
Awards: Purple Heart, Combat Action Badge, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Kosovo Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal with Two Bronze Service Stars, Three ARCOMS, Three AAMS
Theater: Kosovo and Iraq

Allen was raised in the small rural farm town of Smithville, Missouri. He and his two brothers were raised on hunting, fishing and farming by his father. His father encouraged his hunting with annual trips to Iowa and other locations for deer and upland bird hunting. He received his first bird dog at 13 years old and became an avid upland hunter.
Allen joined the Army in 1998 with a guaranteed contract for Europe as his first duty location. After graduating Basic and AIT he was assigned to the 82nd Engineer Battalion, First Infantry Division in Bamberg, Germany. He travelled all over Europe when not in the field or training.
Allen's first deployment was to Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo for 9 months in 2002-2003. His unit was the last active duty Army unit to be stationed in Kosovo.
Allen deployed to FOB Gabe, Iraq with the 82nd Engineers from January 2004 - March 2005 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was a Squad Leader and ran missions/patrols daily. His HUMVEE was struck by an IED on January 28th, 2005. Himself and two other soldiers were injured. He treated both soldiers and got them evacuated before being treated himself. Luckily none of his wounds were more than superficial and he was back patrolling the next day with a new vehicle. He was hit with multiple IED’s over his deployment but was only injured by them once.
After leaving the Army in June of 2005, Allen completed his Bachelors in Business Management and MBA. He has worked for multiple government agencies to include the Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense and his current position with the Department of Agriculture. He and his wife (an AGR Master Sergeant) currently own a farm in Turney, Missouri raising animals and hay. He spends as many days as possible hunting behind his two setters all over the Midwest.
Allen is a firm believer in the power of nature to help people heal. He is passionate about WWIA’s mission and its ability to help veterans heal though nature and camaraderie.

A man posing with a deer in a field.

Asa Barrett

Asa Barrett

Hometown: Broken Arrow, OK
Branch of Service: Army National Guard
Rank: E4
Awards: Purple Heart, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, ARCOM, Afghanistan Campaign With Two Campaign stars.
Theater: Operation Enduring Freedom 2011-2012

Asa Barrett grew up in a rural town outside Tulsa, OK hunting and fishing with his father and grandfather at the family ranch. Asa began to hunt whitetail deer at the age of twelve and honed his skills in the following years by learning from many other role models. Asa worked as a guide for a Hog Hunting outfitter on weekends, during high school. Asa became proficient in his Archery skills throughout his time as a guide. In those early years, his love for the outdoors and hunting became a passion and has carried on to his adulthood.

Asa started his military career at the age of 23. He joined the Army in 2009 and within two years he moved up to a team leader in a heavy weapons squad. Asa deployed to Afghanistan, RC East in 2011. He spent his deployment in the foot hills of the Hindu Kush mountains, operating in daily dismounted and mounted patrols. On July 22nd, as the gunner on the lead vehicle headed out for a ten-day battalion sized operation, his truck was struck by a 200lb IED. Asa received injuries to his back, neck, and severe concussion during the attack. Asa was awarded the Purple Heart for his injuries during the combat operation. Asa pushed through his injuries and continued the duration of his deployment. He experienced many more close encounters during intense firefights and is thankful for the lifelong friendships forged by battle during his time in theater.
During his time in the National Guard, he worked as a leader in the low voltage communications industry. Asa has led many different large commercial grade projects within the industry.

Asa now works as a Project Manager on a high security database center and many other projects across the country. He is proud to be a Lead Associate within the WWIA Foundation. Asa looks forward to serving and making long-lasting friendships with other veterans and wounded Heroes.

A soldier in uniform standing in front of a building.

Brian Eisch

Brian Eisch

Hometown: Wisconsin
Service: US Army
Rank: Master Sergeant
Awards: Bronze Star for Valor Purple Heart 3 x Meritorious Service Medal 5 x Army Commendation Medal 4 x Army Achievement Medal Combat Infantryman's Badge Audie Murphy Club Member

Master Sergeant Brian Eisch joined the Army in 1992 as an infantryman. Was in the delayed entry program with the Wisconsin National guard until early 1994 while still in high School. Served as a RTO/Scout/Senior Scout in the III Corps Long Range Surveillance Company, E Company, 52nd Infantry Fort Hood, TX from 1994-1997 earning his airborne wings and expert infantry badge. 1997-1999 served with the 25th Infantry Division as a Rifle Team Leader and an Air Assault Instructor and also graduating from Air Assault School and Rappel Master School. 1999 he was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division C co, 1/504 PIR where he graduated from Ranger School and earned his Russian Parachutist Wings. Then assigned as a Drill Sergeant and Senior Drill sergeant at Fort Leonard Wood, MO from 2000-2004. In 2004, he PCS'd to Germany where he was an Observer Controller with the Joint MultiNational Readiness Center, Hohenfels, Germany. He then PCS'd to the University of Wisconsin where he taught College level ROTC and competed in the US Army NCO of the Year competition in 2008, winning 5 out of 6 competitions making it to the All Army competition and being named the TRADOC NCO of the Year 2008. also in 2008, Brian was inducted into the Audie Murphy Club and is a current standing member. In early 2009, Brian Eisch moved to Fort Drum, New York where he was assigned as a Platoon Sergeant with D co, 1-87 Infantry, 1st BDE and later as the Platoon Sergeant for the Battalion Scouts. During his deployment to Afghanistan in 2010, he was shot three times in his legs while aiding a wounded Afghanistan Policeman during an ambush. Brian is an avid tournament Bass fisherman. He likes spending time with his family and of course fishing. Brian retired in 2012 due to his wounds at the rank of Master Sergeant.

Air Assault
Drill Sergeant
Expert Infantrymans Badge
Rappel Master

Christopher Ritchie

Christopher Ritchie

Hometown-Brownsville TN
Branch of Service- US Navy
Rank-E-5, CE2 (SCW)
Awards-Purple Heart Medal, Navy Achievement Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Global War on Terrorism Medal
Memberships-Military Order of The Purple Heart, Veterans of Foreign Wars
Theater- Iraq

Chris grew up in the Mississippi River Delta in the farming community of Indianola. As a boy he was always into outdoor activities, and as a young teenager he learned to hunt deer, dove, and ducks, as well as fish for bass, crappie, and catfish. Chris’s love of the outdoors has grown as he has learned new sports such as bow hunting and trapping. Chris attended his first WWIA event in 2014, and has since enjoyed more events with amazing opportunities such as fishing for northern Muskie and archery hunting for Kansas whitetail.
Chris enlisted in the Navy in 1995 and was stationed in Mayport FL aboard USS Vicksburg CG-69. After completing 3 cruises aboard the Vicksburg as a Gas Turbine Mechanic, he was honorably discharged in 1999. Chris enlisted in the Navy Reserves and joined the Seabees in 2001. He deployed to Iraq in 2004 with NMCB 14 as a communications operator on the tactical movement teams. While conducting convey operations, Chris and other fellow Seabees were wounded during a mortar attack. He underwent surgery in Iraq, and received medical treatment in Landstuhl, Germany, Bethesda, MD, and Jacksonville, FL.
Chris has two children, and lives in Brownsville TN. He works for the Tennessee Valley Authority at a peaking power generation facility, and spends his free time hunting deer, duck, and rabbit, as well as trapping beaver, otter, coyote, and bobcat. Chris also enjoys event cooking, water sports, and any activity that involves the outdoors.

A man with a bow and arrow in front of a mountain.

Corbin McClanahan

Corbin McClanahan

Hometown - Florence, Oregon
Branch of Service - Oregon Army National Guard
Rank - Sergeant
Awards- Purple Heart (2010), Army Commendation Medal (2010), Combat Action Badge (2010), Army Achievement Medal x2 (2009), Overseas Service Ribbon (2010), Afghanistan Service Ribbon (2010), Army Service Ribbon (2009), National Defense Ribbon (2009), Presidential Unit Citation (2010), Meritorious Service Ribbon (2012), Good Conduct Ribbon (2012), NCO Development Ribbon (2012), N.A.T.O. Service Ribbon (2010) Global War On Terrorism (2010).
Memberships - MOPH, VFW, American Legion, RMEF, NRA.
Theater - Helmand Province Afghanistan, 2010-2011, (OEF)

Corbin grew up in the small coastal town of Florence, Oregon. He grew up fishing, hunting, hiking, and spending much of his time outdoors. He joined the military out of college in 2008 and served the next 8 years in the National Guard as a Combat Engineer. While enlisted he did a tour in Afghanistan in 2010 where he conducted route clearance operations and counter IED missions in Southern Helmand Province. During these missions he was struck on 5 separate occasions by enemy placed IEDS. He was medically retired after 8 honorable years of service in 2017 for his wounds received in action.
He returned to Portland State University in 2017 to finish his Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management. He currently lives with his wife and daughter in Tigard, Oregon and currently works for the Federal Government. He looks forward to hunting archery elk and Blacktail deer on the Oregon coast every year and enjoys going out on the Columbia River to target monster sturgeon and Chinook salmon.

A man in camouflage holding a duck.

Dan Berryman

Dan Berryman

Hometown: Minneapolis
Branch: Army National Guard
Rank: Sergeant First Class (Retired)
Awards: Purple Heart, ARCOM, AAM, Iraq Campaign, Afghanistan Campaign, Excellence in competition for rifle and pistol
Memberships: American Legion, VFW, American Legion Post 435 Gun Club
Theater: OEF, OIF

Dan Berryman grew up in Michigan's Upper Peninsula where he learned to fish and hunt through family and friends. He especially enjoys whitetail hunting at his family camp in Michigan where he has been hunting since he was 14. He joined the Army as a Combat Engineer in June of 2001 at the age of 18. He served in Baghdad, Iraq for 15 months in 2005, and in Afghanistan for 12 months in 2009. He medically retired from Michigan's Army National Guard in 2018.

Dan was injured on 26 May 2009 during a route clearance operation in east Afghanistan while assigned as a gunner in an armored vehicle. His vehicle was struck by an IED causing him to lose consciousness and suffering a TBI (traumatic brain injury) and back/neck/shoulder injury.

He graduated from Northern Michigan University in 2007 with an Associate’s degree in climate control technology. He joined the Sheet Metal Workers Union in 2007 and graduated from a 4-year apprenticeship program. He currently lives in Wheeler, Wisconsin with his wife Nichole and their dog Jango. He works at the University of Minnesota as an HVAC mechanic, and TAB technician and is part of the Local #10 Sheet Metal Workers union. He is also a member of American Legion Post 435 and their gun club.

Dan has developed a deeper passion for outdoor sports since his combat related injuries in 2009. He benefits from the recreational therapy that the outdoors has provided for him. He enjoys being a Guide with the WWIA Foundation and spending time with fellow outdoors men, women, and other Veterans.

A man holding up a pike fish on a boat.

Derek Duplisea

Derek Duplisea

Hometown - Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Branch of Service - US Army
Rank - Sergeant 1st Class
Awards -BSM, PHM, numerous other Operational Awards and Commendations. US & Canadian Airborne Qualified AATW!
Theater - Iraq

Derek is originally from Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada but was born in the USA. Derek served a total of 5 years with the 1st Battalion, Royal New Brunswick Regiment (Carleton & York) as an infantryman, leaving the Canadian Armed Forces as a master corporal before enlisting in the US Army.
During his second tour in Iraq, Derek was leading a patrol with 2nd platoon, Able Troop, 1st Squadron, 32nd Cavalry Regiment, when his unit was hit by a female suicide bomber and heavy small arms fire. The blast detonated within feet of the dismounted members of the platoon, severely wounding Derek and three of his Soldiers. He spent two years recovering from his wounds before medically retiring from the Army.
Derek has been a WWIA Associate since 2010 and leads events all over the USA and Canada. He graduated from the Inaugural WWIA Guide School in 2016. He is married to his Canadian sweetheart Andrea and has four wonderful children. He loves to spend his free time traveling, hiking, camping, hunting & fishing with friends and family. Derek holds a BS in Criminal Justice from Troy University and an MBA from University of Phoenix. Derek and his family live in Maine. AATW!

A man holding a rainbow trout in a stream.

Derek VanBuren

Derek VanBuren

Hometown - Negaunee, MI
Branch of Service - US Army and Michigan Army National Guard
Rank - Staff Sergeant
Awards - Bronze star, Purple Heart x 2 , ARCOM w/valor, ARCOM
Theater - OEF

Derek was born and raised in the small rural town of Skanee in Michigan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula on February 6th, 1980. Over the years he learned about the outdoors from his father, grandfather, and several other relatives and friends. He loved to hunt, fish and trap from an early age and his passion for all things outdoors continues to this day. While attending college, he worked as a hunting guide, which broadened his interest in hunting, especially bow hunting. He attended his first WWIA event at Camp Hackett, Wisconsin in the fall of 2010 and had a blast.

Derek joined the Active Army in July of 1998 and was deployed to Afghanistan from Nov 2008 until July 2009. While deployed, he and other members of his crew were wounded by an RPG during an intense firefight. He then spent some time in Lundstuhl, Germany, Walter Reed Army Hospital, and the Warrior Transition Unit while recovering from wounds, for which he received the Purple Heart medal.

Today he lives in Negaunee, MI, with his wife Katie and two children Eli and Amelia. He enjoys stream fishing for Brook Trout, fishing Lake Superior for Lake Trout, Predator Hunting, grouse and small game hunting, Bow hunting of all kinds, and most anything outdoors.

A man holding a large pike in a boat.

Derrick Oursler

Derrick Oursler

Hometown - Birmingham, AL
Branch of Service - Army
Rank - Specialist
Awards - Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal, 2x Army Achievement Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal
Memberships - Alabama General Contractor association
Theater - Operation Iraqi Freedom

Raised in the heart of Florida, Derrick has grown up as an avid outdoorsman spending the majority of his adult life in the outdoors. Whether it is overlanding on trips across the remote portions of the country, or spent near his home state hunting in his home state of Alabama. Derrick Spent 3 years in the Army, he was injured on a route clearance patrol when his husky was struck with an RPG-7G. He served the remainder of his 17 month deployment continuing to man the husky for a total of 12 months of route clearance operations on during the battle for Sadr City and providing route clearance support as a theater asset.

A man holding up a fish in the woods.

Ed Reed

Ed Reed

After serving in the US Army and retiring at the rank of Colonel after 28 years of service with many decorations, including a Purple Heart, Ed Reed joined the civilian work force but continued to serve others. He started as a Program Manager for the Pierce County Department of Emergency Management, where he served for 7 years. He then moved onto a position with The Terrorism Research Center as a Senior Director and was responsible for many aspect of that organization, including training others on terrorist’s mindsets and ideologies. Finally, he founded his own Emergency Management Company where he assists with coordination of emergency management situations in over 14 major cities. As an Associate, Ed continues his quest to assist others in need by helping Wounded Warriors who join WWIA.

Edwin Hoffmann

Edwin Hoffmann

Hometown: Valrico, FL
Branch: USMC
Rank: Corporal
Awards: Purple Heart; Navy Achievement Medal with “V” device; Combat Action Ribbon
Memberships: Life member of Military Order of the Purple Heart
Theater: Operation Iraqi Freedom

Eddie grew up outside of Tampa, Florida, and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in early 2001 as an 0311. Eddie was assigned to Third Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment and deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, 2004 and 2005-06. During his final deployment, Eddie was injured by an Improvised Explosive Device and subsequently awarded the Purple Heart Medal for his wounds.
Eddie would finish his 8 1/2 year career with Weapons and Field Training Platoon at Recruit Training Depot, Paris Island, SC, before being medically retired in February 2010.
Shortly after retirement, Eddie would enroll at the University of Tampa and return to his hometown with his wife, Mollie. After graduating in 2013, Eddie began working in various roles in Mental Health as a Peer Specialist in the VA and continues in this role today.
Eddie is an avid deer and turkey hunter and enjoys surf fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. Eddie has a daughter and a son who accompany him on outdoor adventures whenever possible.

A man in camouflage holding a fishing rod.

Gabriel Fierros

Gabriel Fierros

Gabriel Fierros was born and raised in Marengo, a small town in northern Illinois. He joined the Army after high school in June 1998 and was deployed to Iraq three times during his service. On his first deployment in 2003, he was injured by a grenade explosion during a riot on Highway 8 near Baghdad. He received a shrapnel wound to his leg and stayed in country to heal. After thirty days, he continued his tour.

His third deployment to Iraq began in 2006. he was injured in a helicopter crash 20 miles outside of Baghdad. He received additional shrapnel injuries and wounds to his left eye and nasal passages. He was sent to Walter Reed Medical Center in DC for 7 months of treatment, during which time he was diagnosed with a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. After treatment at Walter Reed, he was sent back to his post in Alaska and placed in a Warrior Transition Unit to continue his care until he was medically retired from the Army. Once retired, he worked in Anchorage, Alaska as a contractor for the Army until March 2012. Then he relocated to northeast Pennsylvania and took a federal position with Tobyhanna Army Depot.

Gabriel initially heard about WWIA from one of the guys in his unit. His first trip was duck hunting in southwestern Ohio. It was relaxing to be around like-minded people who understood his experiences and the level of camaraderie was just what he needed. Gabriel now leads WWIA events and enjoys giving back to his fellow Wounded Warriors. He currently resides with his wife and son in Long Pond, PA.

Gregory Brazinsky

Gregory Brazinsky

Hometown: Worth, IL
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: Sergeant First Class
Awards: Bronze Star, Purple Heart, ARCOM w/Valor, ARCOM w/C device, ARCOM x 4, AAM x 6, Army Good conduct with 6 knots, National Defense Medal, GWOTEM, GWOTSM, NATO Medal, Overseas ribbon with Numeral 6, Iraqi campaign medal with 2 campaign stars, Afghanistan Campaign medal with 2 campaign stars, NCO professional development ribbon with numeral 4, Combat Action Badge
Theater: Ramadi, Iraq 2006, Balad, Iraq 2008, Helmand Providence Afghanistan 2012-2013, Kandahar Afghanistan 2019-2020

Greg Brazinsky was born and raised in Worth, Illinois. He enlisted in the Army in March of 2004 as a Combat Engineer. He has been stationed in Baumholder Germany, Fort Leonard Wood MO, Fort Sam Houston (during recovery), JBER AK, Fort Jackson SC, Fort Bliss TX, Fort Hood TX and currently Fort Drum NY. While he was deployed in 2008 during a route clearance mission, he was struck by an IED which led to his injuries. He has a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership from the University of Charleston. He is married with 3 children. In his off time he spends his time with his family and enjoys woodworking and most all outdoor activities.

A man holding a bunch of ducks in a field.

Jacob “Jake” Whipkey

Jacob “Jake” Whipkey

Jake Whipkey served five years in the U.S. Army, 101st ABN division, stationed at Fort Campbell Kentucky. He was awarded the Purple Heart Medal for wounds he received while serving his second tour in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. This tour was cut short on November 18, 2007, when he was wounded while under fire in Samara, Iraq.

After being medically retired in December of 2009, Whipkey returned to Boswell, PA his home town where he lives today. He joined WWIA in 2010 and has been leading numerous events across the country ever since. Jake is a successful fisherman and hunter and has harvested small game, turkeys, wild boar, white tail deer and bear in his hunting lifetime.

A man in camouflage holding a duck.

James Rissler

James Rissler

Hometown: Newark, Ohio
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: MAJ
Awards: Bronze Star, Purple Heart, ARCOM with Valor
Memberships: Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) and Emergency Nursing Association (ENA)
Theater: Afghanistan

James is currently a U.S. Army Major. He has served in the military for 23 years as an active duty soldier. He started his career in 1997, as a Combat Medic for an Infantry Division (1-32 IN, Fort Drum, New York). He deployed with them two weeks after 9-11 and landed in Afghanistan for a ten-month deployment. During that deployment he was in numerous combat engagements. He was wounded and awarded the Purple Heart (shrapnel wounds from a mortar round and RPG) and ARCOM with Valor for that particular battle (Battle of Shai-e-Kot). A few years following that, James was commissioned as an Officer and became a 66T (Trauma/Emergency Nurse). In 2013, he again deployed to Helmond Providence, Afghanistan working with a British Group treating CAT A trauma patients. There he would see 20-30 triple amputee patients a day. He continued his career and then was deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan in 2017 working with various Special Forces groups for operations in and around the city of Kabul. He was awarded a Bronze Star for the various engagements while there. Today, he is the head of the Emergency Department at Fort Carson, Colorado (Evans Army Community Hospital).
James is married with twins (5 year old boy and girl, Sebastian and iLy). James grew up hunting and fishing with his father. It has always been and remains a passion of his to spend time in the wood line.

A man is posing next to a large moose.

Jason Gaudette

Jason Gaudette

Hometown: Rosamond, CA
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: Sergeant First Class
Awards: Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Joint Service Commendations Medal; Army Commendation Medal 4 OLC, Army Achievement Medal 4 OLC, Presidential Campaign Medal, Joint Meritorious Unit Award 3 OLC, Army Good Conduct Medal with 7 Knots, National Def Service medal with bronze star, Kosovo Campaign Medal with bronze star, Iraqi campaign medal with 2 campaign stars, Global war on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global war on Terrorism Service Medal, Non Commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon with Numeral 3, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon with Numeral 7, ATO medal, Combat Infantryman's Badge, Expert Infantryman’s Badge, Master Parachutist Badge, Pathfinder Badge, Italian, German and Belgium parachutist Badge.
Memberships: Military Order of the Purple Heart
Theater: Operation Iraqi Freedom

Jason's love for the outdoors started at a young age growing up in California in the Mojave Desert hunting dove, quail, rabbit and fishing for rainbow and brown trout. It wasn’t until he joined the Army that he got to experience other parts of the great outdoors. He has experienced a myriad of different hunting and fishing opportunities from hunting whitetail deer and wild hogs in the southern United States, to hunting moose, caribou, black bear and catching giant halibut and salmon in Alaska. His adventures are not over and he is always looking for new things to learn and help others learn along the way.

His 20 year Army career took him to many different locations around the world including, Fort Drum, New York; Vicenza, Italy; Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Friedberg, Germany; Fort Benning, Georgia; Stuttgart, Germany and Finally JBER, Alaska where he retired in August 2014. He deployed with 1-36 Infantry, in May 2003 to Baghdad, Iraq as a squad leader and later a platoon sergeant. After 12 months in country his unit was extended another 3 months and sent to Karbala. On 14 May 2004 he was wounded by 60mm mortar rounds along with over 10 other Soldiers in his platoon that day.

After retirement he worked as the Deputy Chief of Training for the Non Commissioned Officer Academy at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson, Alaska. It was there that he heard about WWIA, and what they stood for and represented. Jason's first trip with the WWIA was walleye fishing on Lake Erie in Ashtabula, Ohio. Attending this and experiencing the camaraderie that it brought by talking and getting to know his fellow wounded veterans, made him realize that he needed to be more involved in giving back.

Jason currently lives with his wife Julie and son Jackson in Moncks Corner, South Carolina where they all enjoy getting out and fishing and hunting as often as possible. Jason works as an Administrative Specialist, for the Naval Information Warfare Center.

A man posing with a deer in the field.

Jeremy Smith

Jeremy Smith

Hometown - Slate Hill NY
Branch of Service - US Army
Rank - E4 Specialist
Awards - Purple Heart
Theater - Iraq

Jeremy served 2-1/2 years in the U.S. Army with the 101st Airborne Division. In 2006 he was injured by mortar shrapnel in Baghdad, Iraq, and was awarded the Purple Heart. After several surgeries and months of physical therapy, he was medically retired from service.
Jeremy is currently working as a Land Manager just East of Richmond, Virginia. Hunting and fishing have always been a part of his life, but it never played such an important role until now. Since leaving the military, Jeremy has found special solace in the conservation of the outdoors, and the tranquility and peace it provides.

Jeremy attended his first WWIA event in 2011 and graduated from the Inaugural WWIA Guide School in 2016. He has been an active member of WWIA, leading events all over the country.

A man posing with a deer he has just killed.

John Keeney

John Keeney

Hometown - Dawsonville, GA
Branch of Service - USMC
Rank - Sgt
Awards - Purple Heart, Navy Achievement Metal with Combat Valor, Combat Action, Presidents Unit Citation and several other Unit Citations
Theater - Iraq

John began his obsession with the outdoors at a very young age. Growing up in Dawsonville GA gave him the opportunity to chase multiple types of game and fish. After graduating from Dawson County High School in 2001 he enlisted into the Marine Corps. In February 2003 he was deployed to Kuwait. He was attached to 1/5 and 2nd Tanks as they invaded Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. On April 10, 2003 as we were taking Saddam's Presidential Palace he was shot in the elbow. After many surgeries and years of physical therapy, He is doing great. The best therapy he has found has been the outdoors. He is now a Manager at Tyson Foods in Cumming GA. He married his high school sweetheart Kellie Keeney and is raising two amazing children Kendall and Kolton.

A man posing with a mule deer.

Jon French

Jon French

Jon French grew up on a farm in Michigan's rural farming country. His passion for the outdoors was fostered by his parents who actively took him and his siblings hunting, fishing and made sure they spent a lot of time in the outdoors. Jon graduated with a BS and MS in civil engineering and played Division 1 varsity hockey for Michigan Technological University. He enlisted as a combat engineer in the Michigan Army National Guard. Along with several men in his unit, he was wounded in action during an enemy engagement on July 19, 2009 in Afghanistan's RC East region when he was struck in the chest with a rocket propelled grenade (RPG).

Jon still serves on active duty status out of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. He attributes his mental and emotional recovery to his family, friends, and support from the local community; time spent outdoors hunting, fishing; and helping other veterans. Serving as a WWIA Associate, Jon hopes his military brothers and sisters will also benefit from the camaraderie and time spent in the outdoors as much he has.

He currently lives with his wife and two young sons in Michigan's Western Upper Peninsula, where he works as a civil engineer/project manager, a farrier (trims and shoes horse hooves) and engineered/manufactures/distributes the French Visually Impaired Sighting System (a firearm sighting system for visually impaired outdoorsmen/women). Jon is also a certified State of Michigan Hunter Safety Program instructor and a member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH), VFW and the American Legion.

A man in camouflage kneeling next to a deer.

Jordan Bondurant

Jordan Bondurant

Hometown: Lawrenceburg, IN
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: E5
Awards: Purple Heart, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, 2 ARCOM’s, 3 AAM’s, Afghanistan Campaign With Campaign star.
Theater: Operation Freedom Sentinel 2016

Jordan started his military career at the age of 18 right after graduating high school. He served 3 years in the Army at Fort Hood, TX and in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. After Jordan received his Purple Heart for a Traumatic Brain Injury he was sent back to Texas for recovery. From October of 2016 until his medical retirement in October of 2017 Jordan traveled and fished tournaments for foundations and the Army Bass Anglers. Growing up in Southeastern Indiana Jordan was an avid sportsman. Jordan’s passion is waterfowl hunting with his dog Drake and his brother Brett who is also a Purple Heart Veteran.

After being medically retired Jordan returned back to Lawrenceburg, IN where he lives today with his 2 dogs Larka and Drake. Jordan works as a Medical Device Representative in the greater Cincinnati area. He is very proud to be a Guide with WWIA and is very excited about the new friendships and adventures he will be gaining.

A man holding two ducks in front of a shed.

Josh Wilson

Josh Wilson

Hometown: Fyffe, Alabama
Branch: USMC
Rank: Sgt
Awards: Purple Heart x 2, combat action ribbon, Afghanistan campaign medal x 2, sea service deployment ribbon, good conduct medal, navy unit citation, national defense medal, global war on terrorism medal
Theater: Afghanistan

Josh Wilson was born and raised in Fyffe Alabama. After graduating from Sylvania High School in 2009, Josh joined the Marine Corps. Josh completed two combat tours to Afghanistan in 2011 and 2012. After being honorably discharged in 2013 Josh attended Thomas University for criminal justice and worked as a police officer. Josh currently works as a detective with the Rainsville Police Department.

Two men posing with an elk in the snow.

Joshua Krueger

Joshua Krueger

Staff Sergeant Joshua Krueger was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After graduating high school in 1997 he enlisted into the United States Marine Corps where he attended basic training in San Diego California. After completion of his basic training he was assigned to first battalion fifth marines as an anti-tank guided missile man. He was deployed with his unit to numerous locations around the globe to include Australia, East Timor, Okinawa, and Egypt. After completion of his tour with the fifth marines Josh was reassigned to the second marine expeditionary force as a detail leader for a twenty-five-man unit responsible for the safety of high ranking officials within the Iraqi theatre of operations.

On February 28,2005 Josh's detail was struck by an Improvised explosive device. Josh was critically wounded by the blast and medevacked immediately to Ballad, Iraq where he was triaged and stabilized as best as possible. He was then sent to Landstuhl, Germany and ultimately to the National Naval Medical Center where most his care would be rendered. After numerous surgeries, Josh completed rehabilitation and was medically retired from the USMC on November 26, 2007

Josh now lives in Hubertus, Wisconsin with his wife and twin daughters where he works as an operations manager for a fire protection company. He is an avid outdoorsman and loves fishing, hunting and spending time with his family.

Kawika David Segundo

Kawika David Segundo

Hometown: Maui, Hawaii
Branch of Service: US Navy
Rank: Lieutenant
Awards: Fleet Marine Force (FMF) and the Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) Designators. Personal decorations include a Meritorious Service Medal, Purple Heart, Joint Service Commendation medal with combat device, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation medals x 4, one with Valor, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medals x 4, Combat Action ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, Good Conduct medals x 3, National Defense medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service medal, Kosovo Campaign medal, Afghanistan Campaign medal, Iraq Campaign medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary medal, Global War on Terrorism Service medal, NATO medal, Sea Service Deployment ribbon, Navy Expert Rifleman medal and Navy Expert Pistol medal.
Memberships: Military Order of the Purple Heart, American Legion 138
Theater: Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo

LT Kawika David Segundo is from Maui, Hawaii and enlisted in the United States Navy in 2001, commissioned as an officer in 2013 and retired in 2023. He was a Fleet Marine Force Corpsman assigned 2nd Battalion 2nd Marines and 3rd Battalion 6th Marines, deploying to Iraq three times and once to Afghanistan. He took part in Operation Dynamic Response, Kosovo; Joint Task Force, Horn of Africa, Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF I), OIF II, OIF VI and the 2021 withdraw Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) in Kabul, Afghanistan.

In 2004, he deployed in support of OIF II as the senior Corpsman attached to CAAT Platoon, Weapons Company, based in Camp Fallujah and Mahmoudiyah, Iraq. While deployed, he participated in over 200 combat patrols, where his platoon sustained 10 Improvised Explosion Devices and two Vehicle Born Improvised Explosion Device attacks. David was wounded by a rocket propelled grenade (RPG) blast while conducting a night escort for a coalition unit through the infamous “Triangle of Death”.

After receiving a master’s degree in health care management in 2013 from Marymount University, he was commissioned as a Medical Service Corps Officer. David held positions as Patient Administration and Legal Officer, Inspector Instructor of 4th Medical Battalion, and a Plans, Operation, Medical and Intelligence (POMI) Officer for Task Force 51/5, 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) and U.S. Marine Central Command (MARCENT). While stationed at MARCENT in 2021, he deployed to Afghanistan, leading in the medical planning and execution of the Crisis Response-Joint Task Force in Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations of over 120k evacuees from Kabul, Afghanistan.

One of David’s proudest moments is when he signed up for the C.W. Bill Young Department of Defense Marrow Donor Program. Four years after he entered into the donor registry, he was identified as being the only complete match for a six-year-old boy, Kyle, with severe aplastic anemia. The transplant was a success and Kyle made a full recovery. David and Kyle met in person a year later and continue to be friends.

Two men on a boat fishing in the water.

Mark Broda

Mark Broda

Hometown - Avon, IN
Branch of Service - USAF
Rank - Senior Airman (E-4)
Awards - Purple Heart, Air Force Commendation, Air Force Achievement
Theater - Southwest Asia

Mark was born in NW Indiana and has a lifelong passion for fishing. He has been an Associate with WWIA since 2012, leading events and fundraisers and graduated from the 2nd Annual WWIA Guide School in 2017. He thoroughly enjoys the work he does with the Foundation and has met some incredible friends (now family) along the way.

After completing his enlistment, he graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology and has been in the Information Technology field ever since, currently with the Department of Veterans Affairs as an IT Specialist.

A man kneeling down next to a deer with antlers.

Matt Phillips

Matt Phillips

Hometown: Heath, Texas
Branch of Service: U.S. Marines
Rank: Corporal
Awards: Purple Heart 2nd Award, Combat Action Ribbon 3rd Award, Iraq Campaign Medal, Terrorism Service Medal, Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Humanitarian Aid Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, National Defense Medal, Good Conduct Medal, NATO Medal, Naval Unit Commendation 2nd Award, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon 4th Award, Rifle Expert 3rd Award, Pistol Expert
Memberships: Life Community Church Member, International Society of Arboriculture Member, Tree Care Industry Association Member, Texas Department of State Health Services EMT-Paramedic
Theater: Port au Prince, Haiti 2004; Fallujah, Iraq 2005; Ramadi, Iraq 2006; Helmand Province, Afghanistan 2007

Matt Phillips was born and raised in the North Texas area. He enlisted in the USMC after high school in September of 2002. He served as a member of both 3rd Battalion 8th Marines and 2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion. He was promoted to the rank of Corporal and honorably discharged in April of 2008. Following his military service, he worked as both an EMT and Paramedic before switching careers to the arboriculture industry. In his spare time, he likes to coach little league baseball, cook, hunt and fish, train Brazilian jiu-jitsu and spend time with his family.

A man posing with a turkey in the woods.

Matthew Brannon

Matthew Brannon

Hometown: Boaz, AL
Branch: Army
Rank: E-4
Awards: Purple Heart, ARCOM w/ Valor, ARCOM, Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal with 2 Campaign Stars, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO Medal, Combat Infantryman Badge.
Qualifications: Airborne (Parachutist Badge), Combat Infantry Badge, Combatives Instructor with Level I, II and III qualifications.
Theater: Operation Enduring Freedom 09-10, Operation Cobra Gold 11

Matthew grew up in the small, Northeast Alabama town of Boaz, AL where he excelled in football, baseball, basketball and track. Matthew lettered Varsity 4 years in all sports. Matthew also learned to hunt, fish and trap at a young age. Matthew’s father would spend most weekends in-between sports taking Matthew on hunting and fishing adventures throughout the Southeast. After high school, Matthew signed an athletic scholarship to play football and baseball in college. A motorcycle wreck, breaking his leg in two places ended his collegiate career. After healing from the wreck, Matthew entered the Army at the age of 20, going through Army Infantry Basic Training School. After graduating from infantry school, Matthew attended the coveted US Army Airborne School. Matthew then moved on to complete the US Army Special Forces Assessment and Selection course. Matthew was then assigned to the 3/509 Airborne Infantry in Anchorage, AK. Matthew deployed with his unit to the foothills of the Himalayan mountains in the East Paktika Province. Matthew became team leader of the weapons squad and engaged in many close combat firefights. Matthew was involved in the Battle of the 4th of July when his Company was attacked by over 350 combatant enemies. Able CO 3/509 was able to fight off the enemy with only approximately 100 soldiers in Able Co. Matthew would finish the year long deployment despite being wounded in October of 2009 when he was gunning the rear vehicle providing security for another element. Matthew was hit in close proximity to an RPG and received shrapnel to his hands and arms as well as a traumatic brain injury. Matthew finished his time in the Army as a weapons squad team leader and acting squad leader as well as being the unit combatives instructor.

A man in camouflage with a dog and ducks.

Nathan Allen

Nathan Allen

Nathan Allen grew up with a passion for the outdoors as a country boy from God’s country (Iowa). With limited resources, he was either fishing, hunting, or studying fishing/hunting. He also trained hunting dogs on upland birds, thoroughly enjoyed watching the dogs work the fields. After graduating high school, he went to college for a year, but it wasn’t his forte. He enlisted in the military as an Infantryman and upon graduating basic was stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

Nathan deployed from 2010-2011 to Kunar Province, Afghanistan. After a long year, his platoon was fifteen days away from coming home when he was wounded while going after a fellow wounded soldier. Back stateside in the hospital, fellow WWIA associate Jacob Whipkey told him to apply for a hunt with WWIA. He had nothing else to do at the time while lying in a hospital bed, so he did. Nathan says this was one of the greatest decisions of his life.

Nathan’s first WWIA hunt was the MO/KAN Ducks and Bucks, and it was everything he possibly could dream about in one hunt. Being able to meet the founder John McDaniel and listen to him speak about the organization and how it helps wounded veterans inspired Nathan to get more involved. Afterwards he began spreading the word about WWIA and helping with some fundraising on behalf of the Foundation. He enjoys seeing these Warriors go on the hunts and have a great time, watching their body language change from hesitant to “heck yeah man, let’s go!” is truly a blessing in disguise. Nathan is proud to be an Associate of such an amazing brotherhood that helps our nation’s Heroes.

A man kneeling down next to a deer.

Nick Fox

Nick Fox

Nick Fox retired from the United States Marine Corps in 2015. A machine gunner by trade, he served in infantry units within the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Marine Divisions from the rank of Private First Class to First Sergeant. He retired as a Sergeant Major within the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing. During his career, he deployed 12 times, including, deployments to Iraq (3x), Afghanistan (x2) and Yemen. In 2004 he was awarded the Purple Heart, twice, while deployed to Iraq.

Nick lives in North Carolina with his beautiful wife and two daughters.

Two men posing with a black bear.

Pat Corcoran

Pat Corcoran

Sergeant Major(R) Pat Corcoran
Pat Corcoran, originally born and raised in Denver, Colorado, joined the United States Army in 1986, and served for 28 years at multiple duty locations. During that period, he served multiple combat tours, and received the Purple Heart Medal after being critically injured serving overseas in support of the Global War on Terrorism. After multiple operations and nearly a year hospitalized, he bares permanent wounds from the injuries. Pat has been married to his wife, Becky, for 25 years and they live with their two sons TJ and Patrick.

Roy Holland

Roy Holland

Hometown: Grafton, NH
Branch of Service: USMC and VT Army National Guard
Rank: SFC E-7
Awards: Bonze Star, Purple Heart. ARCOM with V/2 OLC,, AAM, NAM, AGC, MGC, CAB, MWS RH, Iraq Campaign Medal w star, Afghanistan campaign medal w star
Memberships: DAV, FOPH
Theater: OIF, OEF

Roy has been married to his wife Sasha for 24 years and has two son's, Russell (23) and Braden (16). They live in Enfield NH where he is currently the Chief of Police. Roy was born into a military family. When his father got out of the Army they moved to Grafton, NH where he graduated high school and joined the Marine Corps. Roy was called back into the Marines after 9/11 for several deployments. Upon returning home he joined the 3/172 Mountain Infantry unit of the Vermont Army National Guard. He deployed to Iraq in 2006 and again to Afghanistan in 2009-2010. He was injured in Ramadi in 2006 by shrapnel from a SVBIED. Roy was introduced to hunting and fishing by his grandfather at a young age. He has continued to carry on that tradition throughout his life. One of his biggest passions is teaching others the skills of hunting and fishing. He especially enjoys passing on knowledge and experience to new hunters. He was introduced to WWIA by a very good friend, Wesley Black in 2016 and in 2019 he helped start the NH Bear and Bass event for WWIA and he looks forward to hosting that event each year.

A man with a beard holding a fish on a boat.

Timothy Spence

Timothy Spence

Hometown - Littleton, NC
Branch of Service - NC Army National Guard
Rank - Master Sergeant
Awards - Purple Heart
Theater - OIF

Tim has been an Associate with WWIA since 2010 and graduated the Inaugural WWIA Guide School in 2016. With a great love of the outdoors, there is no better way to continue his service than helping with WWIA.