17 1 The Money Shot 1

Host an Event

Thank you for your interest in supporting Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation and the Heroes we serve through hosting an event. WWIA could not complete its mission without the hard work and dedication of our event hosts who help us provide 50+ unique events nationwide to over 250 Purple Heart veterans annually.

Our job as a Foundation is to provide comprehensive support during and after each event to ensure success for all involved. The keys to success involve a well-planned, coordinated and resourced event that serves 3-5 Purple Heart recipients over the course of 3-5 days.

Please complete the application below and our Hero Engagement Specialist and Logistics Coordinator will contact you within 3-5 business days.

Host an Event

  • Host Info

  • Property/Site Information

  • Safety Plan

  • Accommodation Information

    *Providing food/lodging is always helpful, but inability to do so will not disqualify you from hosting an event.