Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation

Local man turns disappointment into generosity


Last month, Towanda resident Bradley Fulmer entered into a “biggest fan” contest run by the popular television program Duck Dynasty. The reality show follows a Louisiana family, the Robertson’s, who operate the now nationally known business, Duck Commander.

Out of thousands of entrants, Fulmer reached the top ten and gained a following not only in Bradford County but across the country for a picture he submitted of himself sporting a long beard, a trademark that all of the Robertson men share. Many of Fulmer’s fans pointed out that he looked similar to show star Willie Robertson.

Unfortunately for Fulmer, the contest ended on June 2 with Jake Roehl, of Texas winning the grand prize, a trip to Louisiana to meet the Robertson’s and be featured in a nationally aired commercial for the program’s upcoming season.

After a few days gathering his thoughts and resting from all of the campaigning for votes he participated in, Fulmer decided that his new found “fame” could still be used for a good cause. He formed a group called the “Camo 9,” a collaboration between Fulmer and the other eight finalists who were not winners in the contest, with the goal of raising money for the Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation.

“The plan is to raise as many funds as possible and present one check to charity at the Duck Commander Headquarters in West Monroe, Louisiana,” Fulmer explained, “If we meet the Robertson’s along the way it would be a bonus on the way to our final destination. (of raising money for charity)”

Although this idea has yet to receive official approval from Duck Dynasty executives, preliminary talks have been positive, Fulmer said.

Fulmer had a table set up at the July First Friday event in Towanda selling gun raffle tickets and t-shirts and is going to continue his fundraising efforts, he said.

On July 20 from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m., Fulmer is holding an event at Mountaineer Park in Monroeton which will feature a motorcycle poker run, Chinese auction, food and entertainment provided by the bands Dying Broke and The Rightful Kings as well as acoustic music by Jon Anderson. DJ Bill Keene will also be in attendance fueling the party. Admission for the event will be $10 or $15 with adult beverages included.

Gun raffle tickets and t-shirts will also be available at the event.

“Let the fundraising begin to help out an awesome foundation that does amazing things for awesome individuals who risked their lives for our freedom,” Fulmer said.

Tim Zyla can be reached at (570) 265-1634; or e-mail: [email protected].